Saturday 31 January 2015

Logo Revamp

I decided to revamp my original logos because they did not 'pop' enough for my taste. To improve them, I used a darker pink to give a more mature look, and a glossy effect on the text to make it more visually appealing.

Thursday 22 January 2015


For my final project, I have decided to create a promotion package for the release of an album. This package will contain the complete design of the album, a magazine advertisement, a teaser video, a website homepage for the artist, merchandise designs and social media websites.

In doing this, I want to demonstrate the technical skills I have learned during my time at university, as well as developing these even further whilst managing time effectively. The skills this project will require are knowledge of camera shots, composition, mis-en-scene, lighting, editing and branding.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Logo Concept

Here is the current idea I have for the main logo. The circular shape with points is based on Mattel's current logo, which is easily recognisable as it has been their logo since 1945. I made it magenta to feminize the look and indicate that it is targeted for a younger audience, also emphasising the overall Barbie theme. The font I have chosen for "Chloe" is inspired by the font used for the Barbie logo during 1999-2004, Dolly Script by Måns Grebäck. "Mattel" is Barbie by The Font Bureau, which is based on the Barbie logo used from 1992-1999.

I also created a variant of this logo, which is to be used as a back-up incase any colour schemes do not suit the original. I kept the same colours so it is still easily associated with the brand.