Monday 16 March 2015

Trailer Ideas

At this point in time, I am debating which songs to use for the trailer video. The trailer will imitate an actual advertisement for an album, and I intend for it to appear as though the first single has been released, and highlight 4 other songs on the album.

I am thinking of using either "Earthquake" or "Glitter and Grease" as the first single and music video. I think the former would be easier to shoot a video to, as the song is about being the last girl on Earth, so I could just focus on the character.

The latter song works better with the theme I am trying to do, basing her entire character on sex, however, the song involves cars. The video would be difficult to shoot outdoors, especially at this time of year, and extremely difficult to shoot with cars the way I want to.

Here is the lyrics that would be featured in the trailer for each song if I chose for it to be the first single of the album:


"What if I were to leave you,
but then you fell back in love with me?

If I were the last girl, and you were the last boy
left here on this planet, and there was an earthquake,
maybe then you'd love, maybe then you'd love me.
If there was an earthquake


Last girl and you were the last boy,
left here on this planet, and there was an earthquake,
maybe then you'd love, maybe then you'd love me."

Glitter and Grease

"Even though I'm real sexy,
he loves his car, car, car.
He's always with his car, car, car.
So I

Rub that glitter and grease around.
Rub that glitter and grease around.
Rub that glitter and grease around,
grease around

Start it, pump it, wash it, bump it.
Rub that glitter and grease, he loves it.
Me so shiny, make her grimy.
There's more glitter and grease behind it.


Rub that glitter and grease around.
rub that glitter and grease around.
rub that glitter and grease around,
grease around"

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